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October is here, my dear

Happy weekend, gracious beauties!

The Aries Full Moon has and had me feeling me some type of way, so this week manifested as a period of refinement within my personal life and Inner Self. Feeling recharged and ready to see what the month of October will continue to bewitch us with! Staying grounded in the truth that regardless of what may feel like chaos conspiring within our minds and surroundings, this chaos is only being stirred up to be stilled. You will conquer your personal abyss and your soul will thank you for finally allowing it to truly BE.

An extremely important lesson I’m gratefully beginning to fully grasp and enact in my own life is refusing to allow ANYTHING else to be stronger than MY power. What attempts to weaken your mind and heart will always lose the battle when you proclaim your ability to illuminate any situation for the greatest good.

You are FIERCE. You are MIGHTY. Your silly little ego may be saying you’re the exception to this or that you’re not good enough or that you don’t possess this power you hear others speak of, but I PROMISE you; your ego is full of shit. It is only by your choice that you give something or someone permission to hijack your innate, spirited nature.

So, please, choose to call upon the mermaids, your angels, your Spirit Guides, Source Energy, whomever and whatever brings you to a bigger space within, to combat these vampire-like energies who dare try to convince you are a helpless being when really you are omnipotent.

~ Meditation Idea ~

Try this meditation to help yourself better trust in life’s process and release your fear. Ridding yourself of fear is the basis for creating intimacy with the Universe that will fulfill you more than anything has before.

Imagine as if you tangibly take your anxieties and fear as they are hovering above you and physically hand them to a being you resonate with (I prefer to connect with angels, but whatever floats your boat - you create your own spiritual experiences!) undoubtedly knowing they will take them from from you and cleanse the energy for renewal.

This energy that was once seeming to rule your mind and heart has absolutely no power over you. Surrender feeling the need to hang on to all that gunk that drags you down. Once you let go of control, life becomes more of a melody rather than a cacophony.

Make an intention to banish all thoughts and feelings that hinder your progress. Kiss goodbye the fire that consumes you and welcome in the sparks that light up your soul.

xo, SK <3

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